United Divers of New Hampshire
United Divers of New Hampshire (UDNH) is a social group for people interested in SCUBA diving. Members of all ages are welcome to meetings and events.
UDNH business meetings will be conducted monthly on the third Monday of every month; 6pm; 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester. UDNH dives occur throughout the year and are announced via their Facebook page..
- Dues:
- $30 Individual and $45 Family annually
- Meetings:
- Third Monday of every month; 6pm; 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester
- Dives:
- Annual Dive and Barbecue; various day and night dives.
- Contact:
- dmcaterino@hotmail.com
- President:
- David Caterino
- Website:
- https://www.facebook.com/UnitedDiversofNewHampshire/
- :
- 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester