Dive Clubs
Dive clubs are integral to our diving community. These organizations, and those who volunteer their time, help to unify divers and provide them with an abundant amount of unique opportunities to experience New England diving.
Below you'll find a list of dive clubs that are definitely worthwhile checking out.
- Dues:
- $10 annually
- Meetings:
- Varied times are available on their website; held 4x/year
- Dives:
- Annual Treasure Hunt
- Dues:
- $55 for individuals; $70 for families; $33 for a senior membership (65+), and $25 for a corresponding membership (newsletter and web/email list privileges)
- Meetings:
- held the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:30PM at the Courtyard Marriot on Speen St. in Natick, MA
- Dives:
- Saturday year-round at 8AM for shore dives (club meets at Burger King rest area located just after Exit 19 on Route 128 in Beverly, MA)
- Dues:
- $15 + New England Aquarium Membership ($109 for standard membership); $124 total
- Meetings:
- held the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30PM at the NEAQ
- Dives:
- Regular new-member dives and boat charters during the dive season
- Dues:
- $43; $64 for couples (Diving certification is required for full membership.)
- Meetings:
- Every Thursday @ 7:00PM at the Beverly ICC, located at 302 Rantoul st, Beverly MA (Parking available at 95 Park st, Beverly MA)
- Dives:
- Sunday throughout the year
- Dues:
- *unknown*
- Meetings:
- Normally held at 7:00 pm at: Dive On It Scuba – 1000 Mendon Road, Cumberland, RI or Bill Weedon's Shop – 315 Commerce Park Rd, Unit 4, North Kingston, RI. During the warmer diving months, April 1 - October 31, they meet every Thursday. Winter meetings are held the first and third Thursday of the month starting at 7:00 pm. (November 1 - March 31).
- Dues:
- Donations to this organization suggested
- Dives:
- Regularly scheduled dives
- Dues:
- $15-$45 annually
- Meetings:
- The second Tuesday of each month commencing at 7:30 PM
- Dives:
- 1st and 3rd Tuesday of June - August, at Stonington Point, DuBois Beach, at 5:30PM
- Dues:
- $35; $25 initiation fee to join
- Meetings:
- Every first Tuesday of the month via zoom
- Dives:
- 2 times each month year round
- Dues:
- Donations to this organization recommended
- Dives:
- Regularly scheduled dives during summer
- Dues:
- $45 initiation fee to join
- Meetings:
- Monthly meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. Typically they have meetings but due to COVID these meetings have been moved to ZOOM.
- Dues:
- $30 Individual and $45 Family annually
- Meetings:
- Third Monday of every month; 6pm; 96 Horse Corner Rd., Chichester
- Dives:
- Annual Dive and Barbecue; various day and night dives.